Singing Techniques That Don't Work
(And One That Does)

There are so many different singing techniques that are going around. I have tried them all. Most of them, without success. I bounced from teacher to teacher for around four years. Each one teacher showed me a new method... A new technique.

Some of them improved my voice a little.

Most of them didn't do much for my singing. Not enough anyway. But I did finally discover a singing technique that works. A technique that almost immediately, gave me the results I craved.

But before I tell you about this, let's go over some of the common singing techniques that just DON'T work!

First of all. The open throat technique. Have you tried this one? Nice, wide open throat. Plenty of "diaphragmatic support."

This may feel like it's improving your voice to a certain degree. But it will never give you the voice you want. You know why? It's missing the point.

This idea of "support" or "diaphragmatic breathing, is a concept that has, and will continue to ruin thousands of voices. In fact it's the biggest myth in singing.

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Why Diaphragmatic Breathing Is The Biggest Singing Myth

Your vocal chords are soft tissue that sits in your throat. When the air passes through, the vocal chords vibrate to create the beginning of your sound...

These are very small, very delicate pieces of soft tissue! I mean VERY delicate.

So what happens to very delicate things when you overpower them with something (in this case, air pressure). They fold under the pressure! They cannot hold strong!

To sing, you need to be able to hold your vocal chords together.

So how can all this "support" (which really means, more air). How will this every let the vocal chords do what they need to? They can't....

Too much support will simply blow your vocal chords open. Or worse, bring into play the muscles that surround your larynx. The outer muscles of the larynx....

These are the two biggest factors that will stop you from developing the voice you want.

But before you get depressed, let's move to the next singing technique.

Have You Been Told That If You Can Sing Opera
You Can Sing Anything?

There are teachers that say "If you can sing Opera, you can sing anything"! This is WRONG!

Teaching a student to sing ONLY classical styles will make it VERY difficult for them to adapt to more commercial styles.

Why? Because classical music uses a lot of head resonance. This means that most of the sound vibrates in your head cavity, producing a soft, hooty sound quality. Also, classical music can use a lot of vibrato. This sounds terrible if you are singing say, a pop song or a rock song.

You need to learn how to sing commercially if you want to sound commercial. And how do you do this? You learn a singing technique that balances your voice. Or more accurately... you learn how to sing in your mixed register.

This is the register that mixes your head voice with your chest voice, and produces a more commercial sound.

A Singing Technique That Works

So after discussing some techniques that are very limiting, let's talk about a singing technique that will give you the voice you WANT. In fact, it's the most amazing way of learning to sing ever devised...

...And you’ll absolutely love it!

It is...

The speech level singing method.

This is a technique that gives you a voice with a large vocal range, with wonderful tone quality. What's more, your tone quality will stay consistent through your entire range.

There is no breaking... no major shifts in tone quality...

Speech level singing is so effective because it trains the muscles that really matter.

Your 'inner' larynx muscles are what control your vocal chords. If you can train these muscles to be extremely efficient, your singing will improve beyond belief.

And this is precisely what speech level singing exercises do.

They train the chords to 'hold together' through your singing range. This way you can 'zip up' your vocal chords, and hit amazing high notes.

And the best thing is... when you hold your chords together... and dis-engage the 'outer muscles' of the larynx... singing becomes as easy as talking.

Yes. Speech level singing is easily my favorite singing technique!

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