Vocal Tonality Exercises
That Sweeten Your Tone

Slick professional tone quality can be learned with vocal tonality exercises. Read on to discover how to sweeten your tone quality with little effort.

Where does great vocal tone come from?

And where can you find vocal tonality exercises to develop your voice to sing with thick, rich vocal tone that melts in your mouth?

I'll answer that in a minute, but first... let's talk about where great vocal tone originates.

There are two major parts of the tone making process. The first is where your tone is created... at your vocal cords.

The second is the spaces that the "initial" tone resonates through, in your throat, mouth, and head (nasal cavity).

So to create rich, creamy tone, you need to...

Create a pure, high quality tone at your vocal cords.

And then, balance the vocal resonance... the amount of your sound that resonates in your throat, mouth and head.

I know... it sounds a little complicated! But here's a video that shows you how it's done.

The Secret To Star Singing

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The Secret To Star Singing

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How To Improve Vocal Tone With Exercises

Also, remember that producing great tone is just a matter of practicing a few special exercises that will do these things automatically

You can access these special exercises here. Now, let's dig a little deeper.

When your tone is created at your vocal cords, there are a few factors...

Vocal tonality exercises to sweeten tone

One of these factors is your air support... the amount of muscle pressure applied to the vocal cords... and the position of your larynx (your voice box)

The answer to balancing all these things is once again... practice the correct vocal tonality exercises for balancing these things!

On the subject of your larynx position, if it has moved up or down, you are singing incorrectly.

Do This Little Vocal Tone Exercise For Me...

Place your hand gently on your Adams apple. (It's the notch in your neck... there are two, it's the top one)

Now swallow for me. Make a little noise if you like!

Can you feel how your larynx moves upwards?

This is what you don't want to happen when you are singing!

The muscles that are moving your larynx upwards are your swallowing muscles. When you sing, these muscles must stay completely relaxed. If they move the position of the larynx, your initial tone created by your vocal cords will lose quality.

This will result in a loss of tone quality.

That's why it's important to practice vocal tonality exercises that disengage these swallowing muscles. Here's a video that show's you how to do this, which results in singing with much less strain.

The extra payoff here, is once you do this, singing becomes as easy as talking! These swallowing muscles are the main cause of vocal tension, and strain. So disengage them, and the pain goes away!

Balancing The Tone

Once your sound has been created at the vocal cords, it will move up in the spaces in your throat, mouth, and head. As the sound resonates through these spaces, it changes tone quality depending on the proportion of each cavity.

There are vocal tonality exercises that you can practice that will "teach" you to vary these proportions, so you can change your tone quality as you desire.

Let's take a look at a vocal tone exercise that will help you begin to develop better tone. 

Watch the video below for a demonstration. 

You DO Have Beautiful Tone Within Your Voice!

As I mention in the video, no matter what your voice sounds like right now, you do have the capacity to get beautiful tone out of your voice. 

Improving vocal tone is 100% to do with how you are physically producing your sound. 

If you are not hearing the tone you want to hear, it means you are doing something to cut off or restrict it. 

So What Can You Do To Improve Your Tone Quality? 

Let's talk about how to improve your vocal tone. 

In the video you will see me demonstrate the difference between restricting your tone and allowing it to bloom naturally. 

In the end, it's all about allowing the air to pass freely through your vocal chords. When you do this your tone will bloom out and have it's biggest, most beautiful sound. 

When you tighten up though, that's when you are going to restrict it and it's going to lose a lot of it's quality. 

Free Your Voice! 

The more you can free up your voice the more you'll be able to vary your tonality. 

It's like an artist having access to a full palette of colors...

As a singer, you can learn to sing in a full range of different vocal colors.

You can learn to balance your vocal resonance once again, through good vocal tonality exercises. Once you learn to do this, your voice will be rich in tone quality, and balanced through your entire range.

I could talk about how to balance vocal resonance for hours, but the meat of it can be summed up in a few sentences.

You will learn to balance your voice by paying attention to the sensations that each note creates.

The "perfect" balance of resonance changes as you sing up your range... lowest notes having much more throat and mouth sensations. And higher notes having mainly head, with a little sensation in the mouth.

More Vocal Exercises To Improve Tone 

To discover how to sing with beautiful tone, click here to get access to the most effective vocal tonality exercises.

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